i profile

S profile

C profile


Collaboration, Support, Enthusiasm

Acceptance, close relationships

Judges others by
Responsiveness to others, accessibility

Influences others by
Showing empathy, being patient

Kindness, personal contacts

Under pressure
Avoids conflicts, tries to make everyone happy

Being forced to put pressure on others, being confronted with aggression

Would increase effectiveness through
Saying “no” if necessary, addressing the issues

Profil stable exemple DiSC

People of Si style prioritize collaboration and enjoy involving others in decision-making. They are most likely trying to build team spirit. In addition, they also prioritize support and tend to place a high priority on the needs of others.

Due to their accommodating nature, they are often inclined to put their own opinions and needs aside in order to help others. In addition, Si-style people also value enthusiasm, and they generally come across as cheerful.


Support, Stability, Collaboration

Harmony, stability

Judges others by
Reliability, sincerity

Influences others by
Accommodating others, consistent performance

Modesty, passive resistance, compromise

Under pressure
Gives in, avoids revealing true opinions

Letting people down, quick changes

Would increase effectiveness through
Showing self-confidence, revealing true feelings

Profil stable S exemple DiSC

S-style people place great importance on providing support. They tend to be good listeners and, as a result, are often seen as patient and accommodating. In addition, they also prioritize stability. So they generally aim to preserve a predictable, orderly environment.

Since they tend to be cautious, it is possible that they may use a methodical pace and, if possible, avoid rapid changes. In addition, S-style people also prioritize collaboration. Since they prefer a warm, trusting environment, they may go out of their way to make sure people feel included and accepted.


Stability, Support, Accuracy

Calm environment, set goals, constant progress

Judges others by
Reliability, realistic attitude, even tempered

Influences others by
Diplomacy, self-control, consistency

Propensity to let others lead, humility

Under pressure
Becomes inflexible, curbs spontaneity, complies

Time pressure, uncertainty, chaos

Would increase effectiveness through
Initiating changes, speaking up

Profil stable SC exemple DiSC

SC-style people place a high priority on stability and achieving consistent outcomes. Since they tend to be cautious, they may prefer to work in a predictable environment without many surprises. In addition, they also prioritize support. Therefore, they tend to be accommodating and inclined to give up, if necessary, their own needs and preferences.

Most likely, they are often patient and diplomatic, and they are not likely to lose their temper when put under pressure. In addition, SC style people also prioritize accuracy. They tend to work systematically to produce quality work and effective solutions. They may be relatively analytical at times.

How to communicate

The S style appreciates cooperation as well as friendly relationships. Adopt a playful attitude so that they share their ideas. Don’t hesitate to challenge them to tackle problems head-on. Work collaboratively, but be careful about overlooking potential problems.

i profile

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C profile